If not for Christmas - Stock Music
It's the most wonderful time of the year. And this song is the perfect fit for it! 这个免版税的轨道有一个鼓舞人心的,同时浪漫的氛围. It features a beautiful melody...
Mystery Soundtrack "Fairy Tale"
A dark, 环境版税免费万圣节轨道与怪异的钢琴位, strings, wind fx, some synths and deep drums, great for mystery and horror movies, video games, cartoons, animation, tv shows,...
A Letter for Christmas - Stock Music
“A Letter for Christmas”是一首免版税的节日歌曲. 这是一个完美的轨道,任何项目需要给积极的, happy, joyful and playful vibe. The melody is very...
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Chamber Orchestra Rain Theme
雨的主题是一个美丽的,鼓舞人心的,和情感的背景曲目. Hopeful, touching, and heartwarming atmosphere. 这是完美的各种类型的视频,如移动.